A wolf amongst wolves and not as a man amongst men.
It was a wonderful weekend, filled with beer and song, dashed with a brotherly camaraderie, and overhauled by the bloodshed of animals.
I have slain the super-coyote. If you have a coyote to kill I shall rightly slay it too.
For a full recap of Jacob's deer, click on the link to Jake Freedom in the links pane.
What do you do with the coyote now?
the coyotes in the place that we were hunting have been killing the farmers cows. the farmer has asked us to kill any that we see. We actually throw them away without eating them. Its the only animal we kill and dont eat. Because they are a nuisance animal I dont feel bad, but could never do that with a deer or anything like that.
i can love all
Hey! Good to see wild men never change. BUT do the viewers of your blog know about that dress up incident in Guatemala?
I have thought about you often, matt, since we last shred space and time, and am really glad to see you have kept your priorities strait.
I don't know how to log on, so will just sign off
Steve Osborn
blood brothers
hind legs,
cartilage and sinews
two nostrils
and laden wants.
Steve!!!! so good to hear from you! I hope all is well with you and the family. I have missed yall all so much. I cant believe it has been 3 years since I was in Guate. I am trying to get back down there soon. I dont think anyone really knows about that incident and I am ok with that. I need to email you and fill you in on my life since I get to read about yours in your updates. Aaron and I still talk from time to time, he is a good friend and I love you both.
dude - since you changed your layout you lost your links. And, what's all this about a dress up in Guate??? Porkchop sandwiches.
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