In my links section I have added two links, I had seen these a while back and clicked them faithfully for a while but soon forgot. I have now added them to my favorites bar on my computer as I hope all my readers will two. The links do exactly what they say... for each time you click them, once per day the sponsers of the site will donate money to feed either humans or animals... now while i think that the humans are more important, Michael Vick just got rid of a bunch of dogs that I am sure are very hungry from being starved and beaten and they need food too. Please Please click on the links, it takes 5 seconds each and makes you feel good inside. you will notice on the site that there are other links also, click away!
Fatty, I love you.
You're a crazy cracker who loves animals and (most) people.
hey, I randomly found your website and I just wanted to say these links are really cool. Thanks for advertising it. - erin cain wilkinson
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