I woke up this morning and stumbled across a quote that truly wraps me up in a huge jumble of feelings and sentiments. I feel that it encompasses my view on life. I can't explain how I feel right now. It's like I have been working a crossword puzzle for 25 years trying to figure out the answer and then someone drops the next days paper on your lap and the answer is right there.
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I woke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy."
-Rabindranath Tagore
Those words pretty much sum up how I feel about life. My NEED to serve, to love, to be in meaningful interaction with others, because in that time, that is where I find my Savior. That is where I find my Joy. Stir my heart O Lord, and do not let my dreams die. Align my life with your will and all my dreams with your dreams, there is my joy.
To Serve is to Love is to Live.
dude - right on man. The only question is - what now?
good stuff.
...rabindranath tagore...that's almost too good.
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