I just ran across of this picture of my old neighbor Steve Lee. It made me remember all of the good times we had growing up together on Liberty Bell. We would spend every day play karate fighting, peeing over the fence and seeing who could pee the highest, numchuck fighting, playing atari, eating ramen and seaweed and rice, walking in the woods throwing rocks and building forts, or just running around harrasing each other. I cant leave out Mark. Mark was there in it all as well as Nate. But alas, we are all now grown and dont have as much time to climb trees. We have jobs, well Nate does, and I kinda do. I build houses but am in between projects. Mark is chillin the most being a brother in fayetteville, and Steve is making the children smile, the dolphins splash and the dominos tumble over in intricate designs while slowly rocking the babies to sleep as he climbs ladders into clouds, and tells them jokes so funny and tickling them until they laugh so hard that they cry. the tears fall to earth quenching its thirst and giving the birds a drink so that they can carry on flying and singing sweetly of his songs which can be found by clicking on the words. I PROMISE TO BUY YOUR CD STEPHEN SCOTT LEE.