well i am roasted right now. not drunk. just braindead. i spent way to much time in the books today and even took a final tonight. the picture above is of my roommates dog franklin. franklin got bit by a brown recluse. not all brown recluses are poisonious. i know a black guy named akmed who is totally a hermit. he bite me once and i had no weird side effects. i wonder what life would be like if there wasnt school. i mean would my last name be my job. i guess mine wouldnt since there isnt a job called perry. unless a perry is a pear picker or something. but what if my name was matt construction. essentially that is what names were back in the day right. smith was a blacksmith, baker was a baker, and leroy penister was a bad man! exclamation points are overused. if all of the punctuation marks were in a burning building and i could save just one i would save the tilday. it is a good mexican accent mark that looks like this:
i cant look at tildays without thinking of tacos. one of my biggest weaknesses is the spontaneous purchase. i have to stop it or it will be the end of me. if you ever see me buying something ridicoulous like a frog gig, stop me. i bought a frog gig about a month ago. i am looking forward to using it when it comes time but i really have no need for it right now. i know what you are thinking and yes i do know what the fastest animal on land is. good thing i am not being chased since i am overweight. tell me a story or a joke. if i like it i will be happy and smile, if i dont i will never mention to you that i didnt like it. that way you wont know the difference and you can remain ignorant to my feelings. i think that if God was here right now in a tangible flesh form he would slap me a high five and tell me that he digs me. i dig Him too
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