Mothers day is just about gone, and a good one it was. The day started with a great sermon at church by a visiting pastor named eric mason. He graduated from fellowship's program for pastors that plant churches and moved to inner city philly were he is a pastor. If you are interested in watching his sermon or just checking out a few minutes of it click HERE. go to sermons and it should be posted as the eternal makeover or something along those lines. After church Kinsey and I joined my brother over at my parents for lunch to celebrate my awesome mom and all that she means to us. I thought it would be funny to pull a little prank so i decided to write like my brother and give my mom a happy grandmothers day card and on the inside write "Surprise, Love Nate and Jen!" Jen couldnt make it because she has finals for pharmacy school tomorrow. anyways when she opened it she started freaking out which was hilarious until we made her flip the card over and on the back i had written just kidding, love matt. it was funny. i giggled. this evening kinsey and i decided to cook for her mom and and family. it was delish. lots of fun with the fam. later on whitney (kinseys roommate) got home from christophers graduation tonight. (her fiance) we were watching the leprechaun in mobile video and laughing. we noticed that she wasnt laughing and i assumed she just didnt think it was funny. it wasnt until a couple of minutes had passed that we realized she didnt get it when she blurted out "Whats a leprechaun? Isnt it some kind of Cat?" Amen.
Dude, that's hilarious on three counts.
1. Your card
2. The picture
3. Whitney being dumb
WOW. I liked the video, "Maybe is some crack hade up 'n dat tree!" But the comment about Leprechauns came in a close second.
The Eradicator
Dear Eradicator-
If you enjoyed that video than you should check out the beautiful rap remix. I am not sure of an exact link but im sure you can find it by googling, etc.
Love- Matt
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