Another year gone by reminding me that my body is steadily getting older. Last night was the Alumni soccer match at my old high school. All it is really is a bunch of old guys that used to be good at soccer trying to come back and play against a bunch of young guys that are in shape and have played together all season. In the past the results weighed heavily for the Alum's but not last night. The Alumni team received its first loss since the creation of the event. It was quite frustrating but also lots of fun. All i can say is that i feel it today. I am hopeful that i will be in shape come this time next year, so that i can exact my revenge on those little punks. I included a picture of them so you can all see who we lost too. my favirote is the 2nd kid from the right on the top row giving himself a squeeze. i think it looks like my brother nate a little bit.
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