"When I passed by you and saw you squirming in your own blood, I said to you while you were in your blood, 'Live!" Yes, I said to you while you were in your own blood, 'Live!'
The Lord has been telling me this over the last week. I find that it is very easy to live an apethetic life where the Lord has me right now. God has blessed me continually over the last years, to the point that from an outward perspective there really arent that many needs in my life that arent met. I have a comfortable living situation, I drive a car that runs, I have a fiance that loves me and that I will marry in August (God Willing), there is always food on the table, I am finishing up my college studies, I have job oppurtunities, etc. I am a happy person, I am healthy, I dont have any major family or relational problems with friends. Inspite of all of that I have led a somewhat empty life for the last 4 months. I have been realizing how empty I can be when I try to fill my days with perishable occurances. I need Jesus in my life as a place of refuge from the world and a place to replenish my love for Him. He is the only place of life. What I have woken up to each day has been existence. There was no substance, no texture, no taste. I am praying and asking the Lord to each day wake me and as I lay there in my own blood and filth to look at me and call me to LIVE!
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